Men's short-sleeve classic flowing yellow top-Cherished Girl Crafted in his Image Christian Girlie Christian Bright T Shirt

Size Small Medium Large XL XXL 3XL

Cherished Girl Crafted in his Image Christian Girlie Christian Bright T Shirt

Available in sizes-  Adult S,M,L, XL,2X,3X

There’s no doubt that within the next couple of days you are going to run into someone who needs to hear how unique and valuable he or she is to God. From birth, we have been “sold” on what it means to be beautiful or successful and perfect. The truth, according to the Bible, is that you have been created in the image of God and there is absolutely nothing the world has to offer that compares to it. This Cherished Girl T-shirt is a great way to spread an encouraging word to everyone who reads it.

In Ephesians 2:10 we have this great promise, which should be on our minds regularly. It says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” The Lord has awesome plans for you and everyone in your path. And because He wants to see those plans fulfilled, He has provided you a new life when you surrender your heart to Jesus.

When you are born again, the Holy Spirit lives inside you and fills you. Your life takes on new meaning and direction. You are no longer living for yourself but living to serve the Lord. You become focused on fulfilling the plans and purpose He has destined for you. When you wear this “Crafted in His Image” Cherished Girl Christian T-shirt, you can start conversations with others about God. You can help them discover their God-given destiny, just as you did.